New Year's Resolutions Through Design - Read More IN 2023

Design by byrdesign

I can’t be the only one who started out 2022 saying I would read a book a month, just to barely finish one book for the year… But what if I had a cozy reading nook?? I’m thoroughly convinced that would have made all the difference, so I’m rounding up the best reading nook inspiration photos for anyone that has proclaimed THIS IS THE YEAR I’M FINALLY GOING TO READ MORE. Whether it’s a light and bright window seat, or a dark and moody library room, adding a spot dedicated to getting lost in a book will definitely get you reading more in 2023.

The window Seat

If you prefer to get some vitamin D while accomplishing your New Year’s resolution to read more, then creating a window seat might be for you. A big comfy chair near a bright window works too! Either way, adding a bench or chair with extra throw pillows and blankets will create an inviting spot to take an afternoon reading break.

Design by Von Fitz Design

Design by Von Fitz Design

Design by Commune Design Photography by Stephen Kent Johnson

The Under the Stairs Nook

For anyone who wants to escape through a good book (and has a two story house), a nook under the stairs might be the perfect spot. It’s usually wasted space anyways, so why not create your own little reading spot that feels hidden and magical. 

Turning a spare room into a dark, dramatic library isn’t for everyone, but it sure puts reading on the forefront of your mind. For the ultimate old-school romantic, a library room will turn you into the reader you’ve always wanted to be. And if not, at least it looks really impressive! 

Putting it all together

It only takes a few simple elements to create your own reading nook – a big cozy chair or bench, lighting, a pile of pillows, and a super soft throw blanket. I put together the below moodboard using all IKEA furniture and decor, proving a chic, moody reading nook can be affordable as well! I hope this inspires you to create your own special spot that will get you excited to curl up with a book at the end of the day.

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